Fits our family to a T, how about yours?
Firstborns tend to be more emotionally intense and self-assured. They are believed to be born leaders.
Middle children are the chameleons of the family-adapting their personalities in order to get ahead. They are usually great negotiators and have a lot of friends.
Finally, the youngest are more likely to be more comical, outgoing, confrontational and quicker to question authority.
Parenting the First Born: One-on One Time. Firstborns often respond better to adults than children so make special time just for him.
Parenting the Middle Child: Update the Family Album. This might sound silly but it is important. Often times there are a billion pictures of the firstborn and half that of the second child. Also, be sure to have pictures of each child alone and not always paired up.
Parenting the Last Born: Stick to the Rules. Statistics show the last born is least likely to be disciplined as his siblings before him.
Parents Birth Order: Parents subconsciously identify with the child who holds the spot in the family they occupied themselves. A lastborn dad might think his youngest's antics are cute while the firstborn mom sees them as irresponsible.
~CBS News
"Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me."
~Psalm 119:132-133
~Psalm 119:132-133