1521 January 3 Excommunicated in Rome
1521 April 16 Arrives at Diet of Worms
1521 April 25 Departs Worms
1521 May 4 Kidnapped by Frederick, taken to Wartburg Castle
During Luther's 10 month stay at Wartburg he composed the Wartburg Papers, 13 smaller letters and translated the New Testament into German. During the 16th century people travelled to this location and carved their names into the wood panelling in Luther's Room. The ink stain on the wall (up to 100 years ago) was considered proof of the Luther's fight with the devil. Pieces were removed for souvenirs which in turn caused Luther's desk to be destroyed. The furniture was replaced with pieces from the Luther family. His footstool- a whale vertebra- is from the original inventory!
Luther's Living Room & Study with ceramic stove:
Other areas of the castle: