"Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me."

~Psalm 119:132-133

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Danger of Not Knowing God

In China in the early 1930s a missionary couple, John and Betty Stam, were captured by the Chinese Communists and marched through the streets of the village to a chopping block where each was beheaded. If they had been willing to recant their Christian faith, their lives would have been spared. Given their commitment to Christ, such a choice was unthinkable. They placed not only their lives but the life of their baby, Helen Priscilla, in the hands of God, confident that God could protect them if he chose, and, if He chose not to, it was safer to be in those hands than anywhere else in the universe. Like thousands of Christians before them, they preferred the sword to disobedience, believing that the danger of not knowing God is infinitely greater than any other danger. ~Elisabeth Elliot

The baby, Helen, was found two days later by a Chinese pastor who took her home and took care of her. Reverend Lo Ke Chou and his wife then took the baby girl to her maternal grandparents. As for Helen's parents, a small group of Christians found their bodies and buried them on a hillside. The Stams' gravestones read:

John Cornelius Stam
January 18, 1907
"That Christ may be glorified whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20

Elisabeth Scott Stam
February 22,1906
"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

December8, 1934, Miaosheo, Anhui
"Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." Revelation 2:10

The story of their martyrdom was much publicized and inspired many to become missionaries. ~Wikipedia