"Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me."

~Psalm 119:132-133

Monday, October 15, 2007

George MacDonald

"The universe would be to me no more than a pasteboard scene,
all surface and no deepness, on the stage, if I did not hope in God.
I will not say believe, for that is a big word, and it means so much
more than my low beginnings of confidence. But a little faith
may wake a great big hope, and I look for great things from him
whose perfection breathed me out that I might be a perfect thing one day.
The more we trust, the more reasonable we find it to trust."

~George MacDonald, a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. (1824-1905)

A quote from C.S. Lewis on MacDonald:

"I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master;
indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote him"